Kastel Gallery

Jean Albert McEwen (1923-1999)

Jean McEwen was born on December 14, 1923 in Montreal, Quebec. At an early age he was fascinated by painting and the qualities of colour, however, he was not formally trained in art.

McEwen attended the School of Pharmacy at the University of Montreal. After encouragement by fellow Quebec artist Paul-Emile Borduas, he abandoned this career ambition and spent three years in Paris where he formed associations with Canadian artist Jean-Paul Riopelle and American artist Sam Francis. These alliances enabled McEwen to solidify his style and beliefs as a modernist by exhibiting in Montreal, Toronto, and New York.

McEwen’s work can be found in many public and private collections, including the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa and the Museum of Modern Art in New York

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Jean Albert McEwen (1923-1999)'s Artwork